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The Jig Is Up by MK Scott

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The Jig Is Up by MK Scott
I looked forward to sipping tea and exploring Mark’s ancestral roots in Ireland, but oh, what a twist of fate!

My life as owner of The Painted Lady Inn hardly prepared me for this. With my detective husband by my side, we embark on a journey filled with mayhem, murder, and mischief.

As I savor every bite of Irish stew and soak in the breathtaking scenery, little do I know that our vacation will turn into a whirlwind of sleuthing.

Who could have imagined the secrets hidden behind Mark’s family tree? And what dark secrets lurk in this picturesque village, threatening to shatter the tranquility?

The jig is up, and it’s up to us to untangle the web of intrigue.

Read an Excerpt

The car rental rep was definitely not a warm-and-fuzzy gal, but Donna put her money on Mark. He could be charming when he needed to be.

His lips curved up into a smile. “Surely, you have at least one vehicle. I’m not picky.”

What a fib! It looked like the rep bought it. The woman leaned over the counter and pointed to an open garage area. “Go inside there and ask for Liam. Tell him you want the emergency special. It’s a car we save for people who fail to make reservations and yet still need a car.”

Donna prided herself on reading people and knew there wouldn’t be the expected happy ending to their dilemma. Her husband, on the other hand, effusively thanked the woman and slipped her a colorful bill in gratitude. Not being familiar with euros, it could have been anything from a fifty to a dollar.

As for Liam, he must have gone on break because they toured the garage for a good twenty minutes. They commented on car models not seen in the US and speculated if they’d get the convertible, Land Rover, or the Volkswagen Golf. After asking several employees in coveralls, they finally located Liam, which was a relief since one of the wheels on her suitcase had just seized up. She couldn’t mention the issue since her husband would point out they had perfectly good, non-tie-dyed suitcases at home with wheels that worked.

Liam, a man of few words, listened as Mark repeated his story, including the bit about searching for his ancestors. Instead of commenting on how great it was that Mark could have some Irish ancestry, Liam responded with, “She said the emergency special?”

“She did,” Mark replied with a nod.

“Aye.” Liam grimaced, then yelled something to a younger employee about getting the car.

She heard the emphasis on the even if Mark didn’t. A few minutes later a bright yellow car just a little bigger than a bicycle pulled up in front of Liam. “Here ya go. She’s small. You’ll only have her for a wee bit. She’s easy to park, too.”

All in all, it was a cute car—and very different from Mark’s usual sedan. Her husband remained speechless, while Donna handled practicalities. “Do you think our luggage will fit in it?”

“No problem.” He motioned to his young helper. “Pull out the back seat.”

“It has a backseat?” She couldn’t imagine anything fitting into the back.

“In theory. With the seat gone, it makes the trunk a bit roomier.” Liam sunk his hands in his pockets and made a slow circuit around their luggage. “We should be able to cram that inside. Don’t buy anything until you move to a larger vehicle.”

Both Liam and his helper speculated on how to pack the car, while Mark finally shook off his stupor. “I never knew they made cars this small. Can it possibly be safe?”

“We’re not going that far. Isn’t their town just ten miles or so out of Dublin?”

“There about.”

While their luggage was wrestled inside the mini vehicle, Donna strolled to the front. Eyelashes decorated the round, front headlights. “How cute. The car has eyelashes.”

Mark rolled his eyes and muttered something about how he tipped for this. While her husband acted surprised, Donna wasn’t. She had summed up the counter rep as possibly in the wrong profession and not to be trusted. Not the car they wanted, but it would serve.

About the Author
The Jig Is Up by MK Scott
M. K. Scott is the Morgan and Scott cozy mystery writing team of The Painted Lady Inn Mysteries, The Talking Dog Detective Agency, The Way Over the Hill Gang, Cupid’s Catering Company, and The Tenacious Librarian series. Morgan pens the tales, while Scott serves as first editor and webmaster. Daughter Sarah handles the social media and Jane the Lab supervises digging in the garden.

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